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7 tips for more reach on Instagram

7 tips for more reach on Instagram

How do I get more reach on Instagram for my company account?

For businesses, Instagram has become an important marketing tool to connect with customers and potential customers and increase brand awareness. Here are some specific tips and strategies that businesses can use to increase their reach on Instagram:

  1. Create an Instagram business account

An Instagram Business account offers companies additional functions and tools to improve their reach and engagement. You can view statistics about your posts and followers, place ads, insert links into your stories and much more.

  1. Use visually appealing content

Instagram is a visual platform, so it's important to create visually appealing content that grabs users' attention. Use high-quality images and videos that showcase your brand and products in an appealing way. You should also create your posts in a consistent and/or cohesive design. This increases the recognition value and interaction rate with your community and in turn leads to more reach on Instagram.

  1. Use Instagram Ads

Instagram ads can help businesses increase their reach on Instagram by exposing their content to a wider audience. You can run targeted ads to reach potential customers who are interested in your products or services. Ads are not (yet) as important on Instagram as they are on other platforms, such as Facebook. However, placing ads or promoting posts with smaller amounts can be a good way for new accounts to get more reach on Instagram.

  1. Use influencer marketing

Influencer marketing is another effective strategy to increase the reach of businesses on Instagram. You can work with influencers who appeal to your target audience to promote your brand and products and attract more people to your page.

  1. Use Instagram hashtags

Hashtags are essential on Instagram to make your content visible to potential customers. Use relevant hashtags related to your brand and products to reach more people who are interested in your content.
Find out how to find the right hashtags for your Instagram channel HERE.

  1. Create interactive content

Interactive content such as polls, questions and quizzes can increase engagement and reach for businesses on Instagram. This type of content encourages user interaction and participation, which helps to keep your brand in the minds of users.

  1. Be active

Many company accounts leave it at publishing posts. No matter how much content you produce and publish - if you are not active with your company account, you will have problems generating a large initial reach, especially at the beginning. For more reach on Instagram, you should like other posts, follow other relevant accounts and keep an eye on hashtags that are relevant to you in order to become visible to other users.

In conclusion, building a large reach on Instagram is an important step for companies to increase brand awareness and reach more potential customers. A strategy based on high-quality visual content, targeted ads, influencer marketing, interaction with the target audience and the use of relevant hashtags can help achieve these goals. By following these tips and strategies, businesses can get more reach on Instagram and increase engagement and interaction with their customers and followers, which can ultimately lead to greater success on the platform and beyond.

For businesses that need more reach on Instagram, #postingwerkstatt can be a valuable support as it can take on all of these tasks mentioned above. From creating visually appealing content and running targeted ads to collaborating with influencers and creating interactive content, #postingwerkstatt offers a comprehensive package of services to help businesses increase their reach on Instagram and achieve their marketing goals.

Click here for our web app.

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